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Amazon Rainforest-For the first time in 200 years, an almost extinct species has been spotted: “Nature surprises us.”​

Amazon Rainforest-For the first time in 200 years, an almost extinct species has been spotted: "Nature surprises us."

Amazon Rainforest, Biodiversity, Species, Rainforest, Ecosystem
Spotted a species that was almost extinct.

Scientists have described the reemergence of a tree in Brazil that was thought to be extinct about 200 years ago as a “incredible find.”

Scientists discovered the Pernambuco holly (Ilex sapiiforumis) in the Brazilian city of Igarassu after a team of explorers searched for it for six days. The city has become extensively urbanised, and the researchers were able to see the tiny white blossoms on the plants.

The earth appeared to have ceased to revolve. We’re surprised by nature. It’s not everyday that a species that hasn’t been known about for almost 200 years is discovered. Project team member Juliana Alencar remarked, “It was an amazing moment.”

The experience was compared by one team member to “finding a long-lost and long-awaited relative that you only know by old portraits.”

On a list of nearly 2,000 species from 160 nations, the holly was the tenth “most wanted” vanished species. The discovery of the Pernambuco holly was just one minor success in the search for this highly sought-after species, which has united organisations like the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

According to Gustavo Martinelli, the expedition leader, work was still ongoing. In order to guarantee that the tree’s population will endure for many years, the group and its allies intend to begin a captive breeding programme.

Not just the   Pernambuco holly   has had a resurgence in recent times. Researchers discovered proof that the Santa Cruz kangaroo rat, a species affected by mining and land conversion, is making a comeback in the area. In the meantime, researchers in New Zealand have discovered ways to create new habitats for Kakapo birds, which were once hunted to extinction.

Species of trees and plants, however, seldom receive the same level of media coverage as charismatic animals like birds and mammals.

Plant species that contribute to their particular regions’ habitats and ecosystems, such as Pernambuco holly, should be given equal consideration. However, this significant finding in Brazil should show that all kinds of “near-extinct” animals still have hope.

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