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More than 56000 corona infections in Singapore, Kerala is also suffering from this new variant of corona.

Updated on 21 December 2023 11:55 PM IST   | By Sanjay Thakur 

You may often hear doctors saying that precaution is better than cure. So the time has come for you to wear a mask, wash your hands frequently and start adopting social distancing. The reason for doing all this is the same as it was in 2020.

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 The new variant of Corona has become a new threat to the world, the name of the new variant of Corona is JN1. Be careful because a patient of the new variant of Corona has been found in Kerala.

Till now, patients of this new variant were seen only in America and China, but a case related to this variant was reported in Kerala on 8 December 2023. However, on 18 November, a 79 year old person was infected with Covid. Further investigation found that he was infected with this new variant of Covid. There is also news that one person has died due to this new variant. In Kerala alone, 111 new patients suffering from this Covid have emerged and they are currently being checked to find out which variant they are suffering from. You will remember that on 27 January 2020, the first case of Covid was also found in Kerala. Since then, the number of patients suffering from Corona virus has started increasing in the state.

This time also the first case was found in Kerala only, a person was found suffering from this new variant of Corona in Singapore.


Seeing this, it seems that other states of the country can also get infected by this new variant of Corona. Kerala government has become alert on finding new cases of Corona in Kerala. Kerala Health Minister, Sanjay Thakur held an emergency meeting regarding this. Apart from this, orders have also been given to repair Bed, oxygen and other services in hospitals. Every time the new variant has been more dangerous than the previous one.

Some new information related to this new variant
  1. JN.1 is the name of the variant which has spread in more than 41 countries.
  2. JN.1 actually belongs to the Omicron family.
  3. The Omicron variant was the cause of the third wave in India in 2021.
  4. JN.1 is a sub variant of Omicron (BA 2.86) which we call Pirola.
  5. On November 21, the World Health Organization had declared Pirola as a variant requiring global attention, that is, it had appealed to the entire country to be cautious about the Pirola variant. It was said to be cautious because there have been more than 40 mutations in this variant.
  6. JN.1 Corona is a variant which is changing so rapidly.
  7. The scary thing is that the immunity obtained from the Corona vaccine is not working on JN.1, which means that even if you have taken the Corona vaccine, you can still suffer from it.
symptoms of JN.1 Variant
  • Its symptoms are very similar to omicron.
  • Its symptoms are normal cold, fever and body heat.

The first patients of this new variant were found in America, after which it has spread in countries like France, England, Germany, China and Singapore. In America alone, 15 to 30% of the corona infected patients are infected with this new variant. In September, the first patient of JN.1 was found in America. Currently, the fastest spreading corona variant in America is JN.1. According to the American government, the medicine related to the old Corona will work on this new variant.

More than 56,000 people have been found infected in Singapore in the last one week.

New infected persons have started being found in India also, continuous check up is going on. It is quite possible that Corona testing is not being done in many states, that is why there is a need to be active from now on.

For your information, till now 4.50 crore patients have been reported in India, out of which 4.44 crore patients have been cured. The recovery rate of Corona patients in India has been 98% which can be said to be quite good.