How to win over anyone in life?

By Sanjay Thakur

Remember Some points that help you  beat  anyone in Life

By Sanjay Thakur

1. If someone is insulting you, wait a few seconds, look at them and say, "Are you okay?"

By Sanjay Thakur

2. If you think that someone is lying to you, then look into his/her eyes and don't say anything.

By Sanjay Thakur

3. If you have an argument with someone, lower your voice, this will indicate that you are winning the argument.

4. Good posture increases self-confidence. Spread your body and take up more space, this will increase your confidence.

By Sanjay Thakur

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Your eyes widen while talking to the person you love.

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By Sanjay Thakur

6. Don't trust any person too much, and never make the mistake of considering your enemy weak.

By Sanjay Thakur

7. Never take permanent decisions based on temporary feelings. Emotional decisions often prove wrong.

By Sanjay Thakur

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8. Win with your actions, not with your arguments. Prove your point with action.