Water filled Pond has Stolen in Bihar, how it is Possible- what is reason behind it  

By Sanjay Thakur


By Sanjay Thakur

After theft of government pool and road in Bihar, ponds filled with water were stolen overnight.

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By Sanjay Thakur

Till now 342 ponds of these states have been stolen, what is the secret of this?

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By Sanjay Thakur

When Patna officials and administration investigated the 1100 Ponds present, it was found that out of 1100, 342 Ponds no longer existed.

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By Sanjay Thakur

The surprising thing is that  Gunsagar Pond, spread over 18 acres in Patna, suddenly disappeared.

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By Sanjay Thakur

Today a big colony has settled at the place of ponds.

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By Sanjay Thakur

The land mafia there has a big role in the disappearance of these ponds, they level the ponds by filling them with soil overnight.

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By Sanjay Thakur

And then they build illegal shops, houses, madrasas and even schools in that place.

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By Sanjay Thakur

At present, 600 Parmanent houses, 2 madrassas and 3 schools have been built in place of Gunsagar pond.

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By Sanjay Thakur

Troubled by this problem, the district administration has also started a survey and very soon bulldozers may move on these illegal buildings.

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By Sanjay Thakur

Destroying ponds in this way could also lead to our end.

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